Thursday, December 6, 2012

The children are sick. My youngest had a day of intense vomiting, followed by two days of uncontrollable diarrhea. She seems recovered now. My five-year-old is on her fourth day of sickness. My nine-year-old just came home sick from school. My seven-year-old has yet to get it.

These are the dark days. The tiny comforts and pleasures that get me through ordinary parenting get swept away in the tide of sick. The washing machine is always running, the sheets always need changing, and the garbage cans always need emptying.

I don't have anything wise or witty to say about this. I'm just throwing out this post like a message in the bottle because it feels slightly less bad than being here alone. Cheers.


  1. Your message has been received. Ugh. I'm so sorry. I wish I could be actually helpful.

  2. I am so there. A flu-ish monster has swept through my house hunting everyone down, attacking them with fevers, non-stop runny noses, extreme fatigue and horridly bad moods. I can handle the noses, it's the rampant unkindness of my children to one another that is slowly killing me. That and the total disaster state of my house. I want to crawl under the covers, but really, I should be pulling them up, and making the bed.

    In other words I am highly empathetic to your plight. Yikes. Hang in there.

  3. Not fun! So sorry your family is going through this. I hope everyone is better soon.

  4. Yikes, Sharon! I'd offer to bring you something soothing, but pregnancy dictates I am not around anyone who is sick. Would a virtual hug do?

  5. Tossing the bottle right back at you with a message that says "been there, done that, still occasionally have to do that, chin up, you're not alone," and a whole host of other sympathetic thoughts.
